Get ready for the chance of a lifetime! Don’t forget to secure your ticket for the 2024 E. D. White Homecoming Raffle and aim for the grand prize of $20,000! The drawing will take place at halftime during the big homecoming game on

Friday, September 27, 2024.

Tickets are available for purchase from either an E. D. White student or at T- Doug’s Spirit Store.

Get ready to take a chance and support your Cardinals– it’s the 2024 E. D. White Homecoming Raffle!



E.D. White Catholic High School

Homecoming Raffle Rules

The ticket price is $10.00 per ticket.

Checks should be made payable to E.D. White.

The drawing will be held on Friday, September 27, 2024 during halftime of the Homecoming Game at Harvey Peltier Memorial Stadium.

The winner need not be present at the drawing.

Should a minor win the raffle, the proceeds will be distributed to the minor’s legal guardian.

All ticket stubs, collected money and/or unsold tickets must be returned to school by Friday, September 20, 2024.

Anyone is eligible to win with the exception of Michelle Chiasson, Principal of E.D. White, Tim Robichaux, President of E.D. White and the Bishop of the Diocese of the Houma-Thibodaux diocese.

15,000 tickets have been printed.

Appropriate taxes will be taken out before check is issued to winner.

The 5th place winner will be drawn first, then the 4th place winner, then the 3rd place winner, then the 2nd place winner and then the 1st place winner.